Groups and Categories
In AgroPortal, ontologies are organized in groups and tagged with categories. Typically, groups associate ontologies from the same project or organization for better identification of the provenance. Whereas categories are about subjects/topics and enable to classify ontologies. As of 2016, AgroPortal's categories were established in cooperation with FAO AIMS. In 2024, we moved to UNESCO nomenclature for fields of science and technology. Groups and categories, along with other metadata, can be used on the “Browse” page of AgroPortal to filter out the list of ontologies.
Wheat Data Interoperability working group (WHEAT)
2 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies used by the RDA Wheat Data Interoperability working group. See more...
hellojjjj (hello)
2 ontologies
hello See more...
INRA Linked Open Vocabularies (LOVINRA)
0 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies and vocabularies produced or co-produced by INRA scientists. See more...
French Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
0 ontologies
Ce groupe contient toutes les ontologies ou terminologies qui existent en français dans le Metathesaurus UMLS ou pour lesquelles il existe une version française. See more...
Rice related ontologies (RICE)
3 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies used within the Computational Biology Institute of Montpellier project for rice related data annotation. See more...
Catalogue et Index des Sites Médicaux Francophones (CISMEF)
3 ontologies
Ce groupe contient toutes les ontologies ou terminologies mises à disposition par le groupe CISMEF du CHU de Rouen. See more...
Crop Ontology Curation Tool (CROP)
0 ontologies
This group includes the ontologies that form the Crop Ontology and currently available within the platform. See more...
Crop Ontology (Crop)
4 ontologies
This category includes all the ontologies of the crop ontology project. See more...
Show sub categories
700-799 Location and Environmental (CO_700-799)
1 ontologies
This category includes the location and environmental part of the crop ontology. Concepts from 700 to 799 See more...
300-499 Phenotype and Trait (CO_300-499)
2 ontologies
This category includes the phenotype and trait part of the crop ontology. Concepts from 300 to 499 See more...
500-699 Structural and Functional Genomic (CO_500-699)
2 ontologies
This category includes the structural and functional genomic part of the crop ontology. Concepts from 500 to 699 See more...
100-299 Plant Anatomy and Development (CO_100-299)
4 ontologies
This category includes the anatomy and developement part of the crop ontology. Concepts from 100 to 299 See more...
Uniquement français (Uniquement_français)
0 ontologies
Cette catégorie contient toutes les ontologies ou terminologies qui sont monolingue et qui n’existe qu’en français. See more...
Traduction français (Traduction_français)
3 ontologies
Cette catégorie contient toutes les ontologies ou terminologies qui sont des traductions françaises d’ontologies disponible en anglais (ou dans d’autres langues). See more...
Vue français (Vue_français)
2 ontologies
Cette catégorie contient toutes des vues (sous-ontologies) contenant les termes en français d’ontologies multilingue ou partiellement multilingue. See more...
Reference ontologies for plant (Reference)
0 ontologies
This category includes all the ontologies that are reference ontologie for plant or crop. See more...